English translation for "impulse control disorder"
- 冲动控制障碍
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Aboujaoude grew interested in the problem when he started to see a small but growing number of habitual internet users visiting the university ' s impulse control disorders clinic 艾布加德之所以对这个问题产生兴趣,是因为他观察到求助。这类患者的人数正不断增加。 | | 2. | The best label for now , according to aboujaoude , is " impulse control disorder . " more research , based on one - on - one interviews , will better define the problem 艾布加德认为目前定义这个问题最好的名字就是冲动控制障碍。基于一对一访谈所做的更多研究将更明确界定这个问题的梗概。 | | 3. | “ many of those who come in for treatment suffer from depression , anxiety disorders and other impulse control disorders like pathological gambling and binge eating , ” dr . koran said 柯兰博士说:很多来看病的人都为忧郁症、焦虑失控和其他冲动控制障碍所苦,像病态的嗜赌及暴食症。 | | 4. | Compulsive buying is just as common in men as in women , a nationwide telephone survey has found , and in its extreme forms may be a psychiatric illness ? an impulse control disorder associated with abnormal levels of depression and anxiety 一项全国性电话调查发现,强迫购物症男女一样常见,而且在最极端的情形下,可能是一种精神病学疾病,因不正常的忧郁和焦虑而引起的冲动控制失序症或障碍。 |
- Similar Words:
- "impulse conducting fibers" English translation, "impulse conducting system" English translation, "impulse conduction" English translation, "impulse contact" English translation, "impulse control" English translation, "impulse conversion circuit" English translation, "impulse corrector" English translation, "impulse counter" English translation, "impulse crime" English translation, "impulse crowding" English translation